Sunday, September 27, 2015

How to be a Good Teammate

In life we are not always going to be around people we necessarily like, but it is important for us to try to get along and work together with them. No matter how much you dislike them you have to find a way to work together without getting completely frustrated with yourselves. One of these situations might be in sports. While playing sports there are going to be people on your team you aren't very fond of, but that can't stop you from playing the game you love. The chemistry of a team is very important, but it might be even more important to just be nice and be a good teammate. 

The first thing I think of when imagining a good teammate is someone who encourages and compliments others. Do not get jealous and start criticizing every move a person makes if they are playing better than you at the time. It is extremely important to encourage others to do well, because it will most likely benefit you in the long run. If one of your teammates is starting to excel, others will try to compete with them. This will then make other players on the team better too.

When it comes to complimenting your teammates I don't mean overreacting to the play they made. If someone does something good in a game or practice simply say great job or high five them. Teammates also need to learn how to give and take constructive criticism. It may be hard to listen to what others have to say, but it is helpful to see different points of view. Your teammates want to see you succeed, or should, just as much as you want to. When criticizing others don't be too harsh. Simply explain to them what you think they did wrong and give a suggestion to what they can do to fix it. No one likes a teammate who thinks they're the coach.

Remember, everyone has feelings and a life outside from school that you don't know about. You have no idea how harsh or easy someone's life is, so don't be so quick to judge. Sometimes people just need a little encouragement and positive attitudes to get them on the right track. Being a good teammate means being caring, passionate, encouraging, and never willing to give up. Be the person you'd want to see on the court next to you. 


  1. This is an awesome post! You inspired me to be a better teammate and a better person.

  2. This is an awesome post! You inspired me to be a better teammate and a better person.

  3. You are awesome Kayla! This has made me want to be better at practice! I hope I am not like that with you
