Thursday, January 21, 2016

College Visits

If you are an athlete that is planning on playing in college you are probably going to go on some college visits. If you are not planning on visiting colleges, athlete or non-athlete, you should seriously consider it. College visits are extremely important when choosing the best fit for you. Pictures can be deceiving and you don't get to experience the everyday life of college students. Meeting your future coach or teachers might ease your mind at the thought of going off to college. College can be scary for some people and visits are a way to make you feel more comfortable.
In order to go on a college visit you must sign up online or be personally invited by a coach or staff member. It is very easy to get a general tour of the campus, but if you're looking for something that provides you with a more in depth explanation about sports complexes or practice schedules you will want to meet with a coach. They are not always going to want to visit with you though, depending on their schedule and your skill level.
When it comes to choosing a college you don't want to decide mainly because you fit in with their sports team, but their academics as well. You should choose a school that has a major you are looking to pursue as well and accommodates your housing needs. Every school is different and might not have the same opportunities as others. It is extremely important to make sure you like all, or most, aspects of the school’s education and athletic program. After all how many people end up playing professionally after college?

I would say the best time to visit colleges is during your junior year in high school, because that is when you truly start thinking about what you want to do when you get older and people start committing midway through the year. Most college athletes I know were recruited during their junior year. It is always good to get a head start and see what you might be getting yourself into. With this being said, it is not too late to look into colleges during your senior year either. I am sure there are plenty of colleges that would love to have you, but sports is a different story. If the team already has a set roster, you are out of luck. 

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