Thursday, January 28, 2016

The Most Important Meal of the Day

As probably all of you know, the most important meal of the day is breakfast. Over the years I have struggled to etch this in my mind. I am not a morning person and I usually wake up around lunchtime on the weekends. If you are like me, you usually don't eat breakfast. So why am I telling you that eating breakfast is important? There are many reasons you and I should comply with peer pressure and start eating breakfast.
By eating breakfast you are not only providing your body with some early morning nutrition, but waking yourself up. On Consumer Reports they state that by eating breakfast it will take longer for you to get hungry. Eric Rimm says, as stated on, you might not be hungry for up to 5 hours after you eat, because your blood sugar increases and it takes a while for your body to absorb it. 
While simply eating breakfast is very important, it is also critical that you choose something healthy to start your day off. I always seem to feel gross after eating an unhealthy breakfast. We all have those teachers that tell you to get a good night's sleep and healthy breakfast when there is an upcoming test, and they aren't joking. I know I always seem to feel more prepared when I actually do choose to eat breakfast. Eating breakfast is not a habit of mine, but with recent events I have decided it will benefit me a lot.
Another reason choosing to eat breakfast every day is great is because it forces you to wake up just a little earlier. This will get you ready for the day and make you feel more energized, or at least this is how I feel. Breakfast not only provides you with food to physically help you, but mentally prepare you for the events of the day.

I know waking up early is not always something teenagers, or anyone for that matter, looks forward to. While some athletes are morning people and others, like me, sleep in until the last possible moment, breakfast should be incorporated into your day. Yes, it seems like a lot of work and might take you a while to get used to, but I think it will truly help you in the long-run. Even if you just eat a bowl of fruit or some oatmeal, you are taking a step in the right direction. 

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