Sunday, February 28, 2016

Rolling Out

One thing almost every athlete has in common is tight muscles. At some point in your athletic career, whether it is once a month or every day, you have experienced unbelievably tight muscles. They can ache and be extremely painful. If your muscles are not treated properly you can increase the risk of tearing them. Precautions are necessary.
Other than stretching out your muscles, as discussed early on in a different post, there are many ways to take care of your muscles. The way that is my favorite is probably rolling out. Rolling out your muscles is somewhat painful, but in a good way. It hurts, but you know it is something you really need to and should do. You can use a PVC pipe or go buy your own roller for around fifteen bucks. The little cost is definitely worth it. Rolling out your muscles will loosen them and make them feel fresh the next day. I would definitely say I need a roller during track season.
Another way you could take care of your muscles is by icing them. Many people take ice baths to relieve muscle pain. In my opinion ice baths are absolutely horrible while you are in it, but feel absolutely amazing once you are done. It might burn a little while you are waiting out the pain, but your legs will appreciate your patience. They will be fresher than ever the next morning and you will be ready to go.
Taking care of your muscles is extremely important to minimizing tears. If you happen to actually pull a muscle it is important that you do not push yourself too far the next couple of days. There is no point in pushing yourself, to risk a long term injury. Don't be afraid to take the day off. Taking care of your body is the most important thing while playing sports.

Everyone gets tight muscles so it is nothing to be ashamed of or even take lightly. Your body needs to be taken care of and that includes the occasional tight muscle. Rubbing them out might be the best solution for you as an athlete, or rolling them out. Ice baths could be your best friend while in season and stretching could be a minimizing factor. No matter the solution, every single one of those are good options. Athletes have big responsibilities and taking care of their muscles, and entire body for that matter, is just one of them.

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