Thursday, February 4, 2016

Social Media

As we all know this blog is very much about sports and the benefits they have on athletes. One of the focuses of this log is getting into college and becoming a college athlete. There are many ways to help yourself become a college athlete, as stated in previous posts, but there is one way to make sure you are looked at in a positive way. This is by controlling and minding what you post on social media. I know you have heard from multiple coaches, parents, and teachers that you need to watch what you post, but it really is very important.
The first reason it is good to filter what you post is because college coaches will look at your social media and it might affect their decision. Coaches aren't going to find someone who curses and post inappropriate comments on the internet appealing during the recruiting process. What you post on social media could truly make or break your career at some colleges. It would be extremely unfortunate to lose an amazing opportunity at a school because you thought it would be funny to tweet something inappropriate. When I say inappropriate I mean anything vulgar. You may not be a sophisticated individual, but it would benefit you to at least seem refined.
The other reason you should mind what you post on social media is because you want to seem as respectful as possible. If you want your  coaches to respect you, you have to earn it. They will never respect you if you don't even respect yourself, whether that is through social media or not. A respectful athlete is of great value and can be taught many things, but a disrespectful one will not get very far in life. Being respectful will not only help you with college athletics, but your college professors and future acquaintances. It is always good to start off on the right foot.
Social media should be taken very seriously. Just watch what you post. Ask yourself if what you are posting is in any way inappropriate. Would you be embarrassed to show an adult or authoritative figure? These are things you need to take into consideration in your everyday life. Not only will you earn the respect of your coaches, but your teammates by being a respectful person. Most people know there is a saying that respect is easy to lose, but very hard to gain.

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