Sunday, April 24, 2016

Team Drama

When it comes to athletics and being on a team there is always going to be a little team drama, especially if you are girls. That is not meant to be sexist in any way, it is just that girls tend to get in more arguments, where as guys truly don't care at the end of the day and just want to win. There always comes a point when your team is not always going to get along as well as they usually do.
When your teammates get into an argument or some sort of unnecessary drama you should always talk about it. Discussing the issue is the first step to solving the problem. You must figure out what is happening that is causing issues and how to put a stop to it. Talking about how you feel towards the subject might make others we in your point of view as well and give others a better understanding of where you are coming from. It is important to always try and be respectful towards your teammates.
At the end of the day you all are on the team for one reason and that is to win. It's to play your hardest and come together for one common goal. When you arrive at your practice facility or convention center you should leave all of your problems behind you. Do not bring any outside worries with you and just focus on your sport. Your sport is your priority at the moment and should not be hindered by anything else. Playing with a team that is in the middle of an argument does no good, because your mind plays an extremely important role in your performance. Everyone needs to get along for just that time you are together. 
Your team is going to disagree sometimes or get into meaningless little fights. Do not stress over these and try to solve the issue immediately. It's not the end of the world if there is a disagreement, but there should be no hard feelings when you step on to the court. Remember your teammates do not have to be your friends, but you do have to respect them and play for them on the court. You must have trust in them and true love and compassion for the game you are playing. You play for your team, not just yourself. Your teammates always come first.

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