Thursday, November 12, 2015

Run Throughs

Many sports teams practice right before the big game. They like to warm up a little and go over how they are going to defeat the other team. I have had many people come up to me and ask about run throughs. Why do you have them? What are they for? Why can't you just warm up before the game? These are just some of the many questions people ask us volleyball players. There are many reasons why volleyball players need and benefit from a run through.
One reason our coach has run throughs is to go over plays and to discuss how we are going to defeat our opponent. A run throughis basically an extra practice right before the game. We need this time to go through our different rotations and use our teammates to simulate the actual game. We can act like the other team and do the same tendencies they will do. We know how the other team plays, because we watch film on them and scout their main players.
Another reason run throughs are extremely important is because it gets you mentally prepared. Knowing that in a couple hours you will be out on the court needing to terminate these skills can get to you. This prepares you for the game and can set the tone for your actions later on. It is important to have a high speed run through to get the blood flowing and some adrenaline pumping. This not only gets you excited, but thinking about the plays even more.
The last reason run throughs are extremely important is that it allows you to practice with your team one last time before the game, without it being a high stake thing. Run throughs allow you to make mistakes and fix them accordingly. This lets your mind relax and know that you are capable of more than you think. 

Run throughs are really just there for us volleyball players to take some time to relax, think about our plays, and get a little warm up going. The actions taken at run throughs can lay the foundation for the game and ultimately affect how you play. They are extremely important, yet they provide a sense of comfort. Everyday practice should be fun, competitive, and focused. Your mind needs to be in an uncomfortable position for you to make a change. Run throughs can bring comfort and discomfort, because the nerves are finally setting in. Overall run throughs are there to provide a type of support for athletes.

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