Thursday, November 12, 2015

Watching Film

One thing that might really benefit teams is watching film. I know many sports teams do this to see the tendencies of their opponents and scout the best players of the opposing team. I think watching film is extremely beneficial to a team's preparations both mentally and physically. This allows teams to create a good mindset and physically make changes according to the other team's tendencies. How do teams get film though? Why is film good to have? There are many factors that make film a necessity to some sports teams.
One reason film seems like a necessity is because it provides preparation for your team's physical state. By watching film on other teams you can see their normal plays and how they react in certain situations. This will help your team make changes in practice that could terminate the other team. Knowing what you need to change is very helpful. Physical preparation is extremely important, but so is mental preparation.
Mental preparation can play a key role in your team's performance. If your mind is not in the game, things will probably not go well for you. When team's watch film it can prepare you for what will actually happen at the game. By seeing the players' body language and reactions, you can imagine yourself playing against them. If you imagine yourself winning, you are taking the next step towards success. 
There are many ways teams can get film on other teams. There are websites like Hudl that give you access to other teams' videos if they choose to share it. Some teams might not have film on themselves and you won't ever have access, until maybe the state tournament if you are participating. I know that for volleyball it is required for all teams to provide their opponent with film of their last game. This makes it easy for teams to scout you, but you also have the capability to scout them.
If I were a coach, watching film would be a regular thing. I like knowing who I’m going to be playing and seeing how they carry themselves. It is nice to feel mentally and physically prepared in stressful situations. By watching film, I feel more comfortable and play more like myself. I think teams should definitely take advantage of watching film if they are given the opportunity. The benefits of watching film range from physical to mental preparation and provide a sense of comfort among athletes.

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