Sunday, December 13, 2015

Fund Raising

Athletes play sports for the love of the game. If your heart isn't in the game at all times there's no point in wasting money just to take up your free time. Sports do cost a lot of money and can be hard to make fit in your budget. If you decide to play club as well, which is recommended if you want to play in college, it gets even more expensive. The costs cover the trips, hotels, souvenirs, coaching, equipment, uniforms, food, and entry fees. There are lots of ways you can spend your money when you are an athlete or a parent of an athlete, but there are also ways to earn money for your sport.
Fund raising comes in many shapes and sizes. You can sell foods for example. This can be anything like cookies, cakes, pizzas, or candy bars. Most teams have a fund raiser that they give out to provide athletes with a way of paying their fees. Coaches know sports are expensive and will do whatever it takes to help an athlete out, if they are kind and hard working. 
Another way to earn some money is to go out and sell bench warmer tickets. Only some schools have things like this that you can go out and sell to people in the community. It connects directly to the NFL season and can earn buyers money. It's kind of a gamble, but that's what makes it fun.
Asking for donations isn't always too in the list of ways to earn money and is usually a last resort. It is somewhat uncomfortable to ask people to just hand out money to you and can be embarrassing if you truly need help, but there are ways to make it less awkward. There are now websites out there that are used to fund people in whatever they want. It provides people with a way to get some donations. The best pet about this is that you don't even have to know who it came from. Some people like to leave anonymous donations. It is truly heartwarming when someone gives to others in need. 
Now I know sports aren't a necessity and athletes should choose who they play for wisely. When I say this I mean athletes should take their family's finances into consideration. Sports are expensive, and your family should always come first in my opinion. There are other ways to play the sport you love without it costing so much and if you put in some hard work you can achieve a spot at a more expensive place.
Not all athletes need help with raising money for their family, but I think it is a good thing to do either way. Parents put so much money into athletes and I'm sure would love a little help. It's always nice to give back to your parents who are, in fact, your biggest supporters. By raising a little money you can make it a little easier on your parents. Sports are pricey, but if you truly love them it is totally worth every penny spent.  

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