Saturday, December 12, 2015

Pep Assemblies

Most schools have a ton of sports to choose from. Athletes can participate and earn state championships or achieve their own personal goals. Sports are a big part of high school, especially if you're an athlete. Many schools focus a lot of their attention to sports, but others don't. A great way to get the school more involved in sports is by hosting pep assemblies. Pep assemblies are a great way to give recognition to hard working teams and athletes. There are many other great aspects of pep assemblies as well.
Pep assemblies are extremely fun and a way to make great memories. If your school is really into school spirit you can have little competitions to make the assembly even more entertaining and something to look forward to. Some schools have a spirit stick award that goes to the winning class. It becomes a huge competition to see, ultimately, which class is considered the best. It can get pretty heated and is so fun to be a part of. This gets people to have more school spirit and get excited.
Another reason pep assemblies are great is because it gives not only athletes, but other students recognition for what they do. Many people put a lot of time and hard work into their extracurricular activities because it is something that they love. Overall, pep assemblies are somewhat educational and inspiring, yet you really do look forward to it.
Who wants to sit through a boring assembly where they just rattle off a bunch of names and send you on your way? These assemblies can drag on and seem to last forever. Administrators can spice up their assemblies and create a new tradition that will definitely be something students remember. Plus who doesn't want to see a little friendly competition? It doesn't hurt anything and can really get everyone pumped up and maybe even persuade them to attend some of the extracurricular activities that are talked about. Pep assemblies are a way to bring everyone together. It unites students and brings a more family-like bond. The closer students are, the stronger the school is.

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