Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Mental Connection to Injuries

Many athletes have experienced some type of injury during their career that might prohibit them from playing one hundred percent like themselves. It's not fun to not be able to do what you once did before. Some athletes are more unlucky than others though. They get hit with constant injuries, but it is important to determine the seriousness of an injury. For example in volleyball you should treat someone who has an ACL injury differently than someone who simply broke a finger. It is still very possible for the person with a broken finger to play, while an ACL injury takes months of rehab before getting back on the court.
An extremely important factor when it comes to injuries is the athlete’s mentality. You don't want to push yourself past the limits of your injury, but you also want to be smart about your playing time. I see too many people sit out of practice because their stomach hurts or they have a headache. Yes, migraines are a little different and can become very serious and should be taken seriously, but a minor headache is not a reason to sit out. Your mind can control how you're feeling. If you tell yourself you're okay and push yourself to do your best it will definitely pay off in the end. 
When pushing yourself, mind and physical body, you should do so in a safe manner. Be smart. If your doctor recommends you don't play, you probably shouldn't play. If you have a simple stomachache do as much as you can at practice and who knows, you might forget about it. 

Mental toughness plays a very important role at practice. Half of the problem is your mind. If you're thinking about the pain, it's going to make it worse. Athletes can cope with their injuries a lot easier if they just have a positive attitude. Positivity will go a long ways. Your mind is a powerful thing, but so are you. Put the two together and you can truly make a difference. Mental toughness is a necessity when it comes to sports. If you believe you can do something, you’re already setting yourself up for success. Don’t cave in to the little pains you get while playing, because everyone gets those. Sports aren’t supposed to be easy. You have to push yourself to achieve your goals. They won’t be handed to you.

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