Sunday, March 27, 2016

Multi-Sport Athletes

If you are a student athlete there is a good chance you play more than one sport. Whether it is to keep you in shape or for the love of the game, it keeps you busy that's for sure. Playing more than one sport is a great way to keep in shape during the off season of your main sport. While it may be fun to play multiple sports, some people just do not have the time. You sure will be busy!
Playing multiple sports call for long nights. If you don't get home until the late evening, you will have a rough night ahead. With having to finish homework, shower, and pack your sports bag for the next day, you have at least another two hours staying up. Prioritizing is very important. It is extremely important to try and get as much homework done during the day so that there is less to do at home, especially if it is a day where you have two practices. 
While you are always keeping busy with sports, the days you only have one practice are blessings and should not be taken for granted. I absolutely love coming home from practice, knowing I can go to bed before 11. It is a time for me to relax and actually have some time to myself, which I usually use for sleeping. 
Playing two sports is a great way to learn how to use your time. You will become more organized, hopefully, and be able to plan accordingly. It teaches you to use agendas and plan out all your extra time, which will be helpful in college. Most athletes choose to focus in on only one sport in college, but that doesn't mean you can't be a multi-sport athlete as well. By starting out playing more than one sport early on, you can begin to learn how to always use your time wisely.

There are many reasons playing more than one sport is beneficial, whether it is to stay in shape or for fun, but there are also many reasons you might not choose to be a multi-sport athlete. Making sure you can handle playing more than one sport is extremely important. I would highly recommend everyone try playing other sports, but sometimes it just doesn't fit you as an individual. Make sure to see if the pros of playing outweigh the cons, because you wouldn’t want to make a decision that will end up being too stressful. 

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