Thursday, March 31, 2016

Shaving Your Legs

If you are a female athlete you know the struggle of shaving your legs. Every night before a game or meet you must shave all of the hair off of your legs so that the people in the stands don't get a glimpse at the tiny forest on your legs. Being hairy for females is not looked at as a good thing in today's society. Guys don't seem to like girls who have hairy legs or armpits, but why don't guys shave as well?
Girls are expected to keep a clean shaven body no matter the circumstances, otherwise they are seen as disgusting by males. Shaving, for me, is a preference, because I am not a fan of having hairy legs, especially in sports. No one wants to rub up against a girl while going up for a layup and feel their hair legs or armpit. That is very disgusting. I am someone who definitely needs to shave my legs before a game or meet.
While I like to shave when I know people will be seeing me, or if I am in shorts or a dress, I don't always shave regularly in the winter. By no means am I skipping a whole entire week, but I do stretch out the days. Most of my friends like to shave their legs, but do not follow a regular schedule in the winter as well. Now, when girls don't shave it is not extremely noticeable so it's not a big deal as long as it hasn't been that long, but it can start to get annoying. Some girls think guys hold double standards for women and should shave their legs, but my opinion is that both men and women should do whatever they want. I have my preferences, you have yours. Stop complaining and get on with your life.

Shaving does take extra time from your night and can be a pain in the butt, but it does leave your legs feeling smooth and looking good. Don't let other people tell you how to live your life, or your teammates make you feel bad about a little hair. We all have it and it is natural. You can choose to do whatever you want and should not fall into peer pressure. Your legs are yours and yours only. Athletes are busy and are sometimes too tired, let them be.

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