Monday, March 7, 2016


The everyday life of an athlete might include waking up early in the morning to go to school after a long night of homework and practice. Athletes already do not get enough sleep and are expected to perform at their best every day. This is why a lot of athletes choose to rarely dress up. Dressing up, or even somewhat nicely is a struggle, for me at least.
Waking up early in the morning you might try to get as much sleep as possible before going to school, leaving you with only ten minutes to get ready. You might throw some sweats on and some tennis shoes to wear to school. Your hair and teeth are both brushed but your hair might not be groomed well. Athletes go to school with bags under their eyes and are falling asleep in class sometimes, but that is an everyday thing.
It is not important to dress up for school in my opinion or even look presentable, but you should definitely not wear what you wore to bed the night before. If you have good hygiene habits, but choose to wear sweats every day I am not going to stop you. I love wearing sweats because they allow me to be comfortable at school, which is something I need with the little sleep I get. I would much rather be comfortable than look nice in front of my peers, whose opinions do not really matter to me. I know myself worth and I know appearance doesn’t really matter.
When it comes to being an athlete you usually stop caring what other people think of your appearance. At practice you are a sweaty mess, who doesn’t even match their clothes half the time, so why should it matter at school? School is a place to learn, not a fashion show. Being comfortable is a priority so that you are able to focus on what is important, which is your studies. By dressing up you might be more worried about if your shirt needs to be tucked in or if it is too wrinkly. When you are wearing sweats there really is nothing to worry about, when it comes to wrinkles or appearance because it doesn’t matter how you wear it. You wear it to be comfortable, not for the looks. People should stop caring what other people think and just wear whatever they want. Who cares what’s in style and what’s not. Wear your own style.

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