Sunday, October 11, 2015

Family Bond

Family is an important part of my life and is probably an important aspect of yours as well. Your family is a group of people that you are close to and will always have. You know you can count on them for anything. Families may fight, but in the end everyone always has each other's back. Sports can have this family-like environment and be a second home to many. Friends become family when spending an entire season, or in some cases all year round, with your teammates. How can having a second family be beneficial?

Having a second family can be very beneficial when it comes to trying to improve sports-wise. Knowing whatever happens at your game/race will not change the way your friends and teammates view you can drive you to excel and improve your game a ton. Not only will you enjoy practice a lot more, but you will want to improve even more. This improvement will be desirable not only for yourself, but for your teammates and the team as a whole. Overall your experience as an athlete will be a lot better.

            Another reason the family feel of a sports team is great is because you can make lifelong friends. Starting out on a new team can be scary, but might turn out to give you your best friend. Your teammates can become the people you eat lunch with or hang out with on the weekends. The chemistry of a team can ultimately determine how successful a team is. Unfortunately, if you and your teammates do not get along very well your team could pay the price. It is important that teammates aren't always selfish and play to better the team.

The benefits of having a second family can make you feel like you fit in more at school. Not only does this make athletes look forward to practice at the end of the day more, but makes sports more enjoyable. No one wants to play a sport with people they dislike and don't get along with. It's nice to have a friend by your side when competing for the same goal. The memories you creates will be much greater if you have a best friend by your side to relive them with. 

1 comment:

  1. I love the idea behind this post! I loved how you started with something that everybody could relate to and tied it in how sports teams are like a second family. I sure how lots of those "second families"!
