Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Guys vs. Girls

We all know sports are separated by gender. Most sports are categorized by gender, but some sports are exclusive to one. For example football is aimed towards males and volleyball is aimed towards females, in certain states. In Iowa volleyball is more common among females, but in nearby states, like Illinois, they have both men's and women's school volleyball. Why are sports separated by gender? Is it a good thing or a bad thing?

Sports are separated by gender, because females and males have different strengths and weaknesses. It might even be a little weird to compete with or against opposite genders, especially in basketball or football where the amount of contact is heavy. When looking at state qualifiers you might notice that women have worse statistics than men. This can be shown at a regional track meet. What seems to be an exceptionally good time for a women's race might be twenty seconds slower than the average male time. Guys might tell you you're slow or that your time is easy to reach, but in all reality it was just as hard for you to achieve that time as it was for them to achieve theirs. I do not believe that anyone should ever tell another person they aren't good enough, because both could be giving the same amount of effort. Sometimes athletes simply have more skill or it comes easier to them. No one should ever be put down because they don't exceed other people's expectations.

Another topic that comes up when thinking about male and female sports is pay for being on a professional team. It has been shown that women do, on average, get paid less than men do. Is this because of discrimination or is it just something that eventually happened? I think that men get paid a higher amount of money, because their sporting events draw more people in. Men's sports, I'm sure, generate more money from their ticket sales and sporting events than women. Even in high school male sports are more dominant when it comes to how many fans show up. Football games are a lot more popular than volleyball games, but that doesn't mean no one shows up. I would say track and swimming, both male and female, have scarce fans in the crowd. Swimming as a whole is not as popular. The preference of the fans is ultimately what determines the athlete's pay. 

When it comes down to examining girl sports versus guy sports, guy sports dominate in most aspects. They are usually faster, quicker, and stronger on average. This doesn't mean some girls aren't stronger or quicker or faster than guys. It's just a fact. Men's sports are more entertaining to our population and that is why pay and attendance are not equal. This doesn't make women's sports less important or men's sports better. This simply shows our population's interests. If it were the other way around would there be this much fuss? 

1 comment:

  1. I really like how you used the idea of high school sports like football and volleyball. I feel like it really made your point stronger, great job on your posts! I really enjoy your blog.
