Saturday, October 31, 2015

Sports and School

Some people might say sports are an escape from school. Athletes might tell you practice is all they look forward to all day long. No one wants to sit through seven hours of learning new things you don't really care about, but what if I told you school and sports are similar in a way? The two things bring different levels of enjoyment, yet are so alike in the way they teach.

One way school and sports are similar is in terminology. In both sports and school you must learn certain words in order to get through a certain class or drill. Knowing your terminology is extremely important if you want to understand what is happening. Your coach might use terminology in a drill and you must know what it means in order to fulfill the job.

Homework is another similarity between school and sports. Although, sports homework is disguised as "film" or "extra practice" it is still something you must do on your own time. Homework in school is extremely important to do, because not only does it boost your grade, but help your long term memory. This is exactly the way sports film works as well. It prepares you for a game by making you point out certain plays and memorizing the other team's defense. Homework or film can benefit your success as an athlete and student.

The last two ways school and sports are similar is how much time you put into them and practice. Without practice sports would be a lot more difficult. This is a way to help athletes improve every single day. By going to school you are essentially practicing your skills and applying them every day. This practice will help your improvement process and without it you couldn't pass your test or win the game. School and sports also involve a lot of time being put in. Student athletes must go to school for approximately seven hours then go to a two or three hour practice. After all of this they must do their homework, whether it is actual worksheets or watching film. The time you must put in and manage is huge.

Most people would rather not compare sports and school to each other, but it is important to acknowledge that they both are tools to help you in the future. Whether you want to go to school for a sport or just simply graduate, you must be able to manage your time, finish homework, and know your information. Both school and sports will benefit your life later on. They both push you to do your best and can help you accomplish great things later on.

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